PS705Ag mini, PS705mini

SCENAR PS705Ag mini

Price: By request - Device

Case Pocket S

This device was designed primarily for first aid and is also for personal use.

The electrodes of model PS705Ag mini are detachable and made in the form of three “buttons”. Each button has a built-in point-contact rare-earth permanent magnet in order to focus the action along magnetic lines. At the same time the magnet fastens the electrode to the device and allows you to take it off and put it back quickly and easily.

The electrodes are made of silver according to new technology, with method of pressing (compression capacity up to 50 tons), which enhances the structure of silver, making it high density. Such method allows enhancing efficiency of action due to increased gravitational density of silver while the mass of it is small.

In addition, you can order electrodes made of gold. Gold electrodes have the same shape as silver ones and can be easily installed in the device by the user.

Triangular positioning of the electrodes allows focusing the action signal better.

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SCENAR PS705mini

Price: By request - Device

Case Pocket S

This device is cosmodic only, it is intended for personal use. It has two built-in electrodes. The electrode on the front-end part of the casing is made as a separate small electrode and works as remote probe.

The “smallest” COSMODIC. This is the case when size doesn’t matter — it is as capable as the “bigger” models.

Tiny, affordable and incredibly easy to use, the PS705mini is the first take-anywhere model providing benefits of COSMODIC technology within such a small size.

► COSMODIC technology.

► Automated energy regulation.

► Power-saving.

► Sound on/off switch.

► High reliability (full protection of the device from overload).

► Separate built-in electrode for small areas.

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