Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical Radiculopathy

Case submitted by Paul Lowe


Age / Gender: 65 year old female.

Presented with pain in her left scapula and down her left arm, with numbness in two fingers.

The condition started five months ago, and a few weeks ago she had osteopathy, without success. Since then, the pain has become steadily worse, especially the past 5 days. She has a high-energy disposition, and appears quite healthy with a good diet. She has been very active with various sports until this pain appeared, disturbing her sleep and stopping most of her activities. Since then she has put on weight, and is desperate to get back into an active life.


I treated her throughout with the Scenar-Cosmodic EX735Ag Modific Prototype.

First treatment:

I began with 3 Pathways in Slider 5 and from the start everything looked promising: a large range in readings (0 to 98) and most Scenar/Cosmodic ratios at 5/5. Doses were relatively short, except for four minutes left of T1-2. When treating her mid to upper thoracic she felt very strong pain moving backwards and forwards between her anterior forearm and posterior upper arm. I then treated her left side fingers and elbow using Slider 10. The pain in her scapula became a dull ache then came back strongly by the end of the treatment.

Second treatment:

3 days later. She slept very well the night after treatment and had very little pain the following day. The following night some pain returned and she had to take some painkillers, but it has gone from most of the arm and is now concentrated in the left scapula and two fingers. In 3 Pathways, I continued to see high readings (12 of them between 41 and 99), mostly thoracic, but this time nothing below 20, doses were longer, and 5 out of 9 zones treated were on the left paravertebral. I then used Scenar mode on her main point of pain in the left scapula, then Scenar-Myo on several zones around that. I then used Slider 10 on the affected fingers. After treatment, she said the pain in the scapula was much reduced and the fingers felt much more normal.

Two days later, she reported that she woke up the morning after treatment in amazement: except for some numbness in two fingertips, all the pain had gone! I was also surprised: I’ve successfully treated cervical radiculopathy with Scenar before but this was by far the fastest result I’ve seen.


T: 01273 803388 (direct)

T: 01273 803888 (receptionist)

W: scenartherapist.co.uk

W: lifemat.co.uk
