IBS - Migraine, Rotator cuff recovery
IBS - Migraine, Rotator cuff recovery
20th July 2011
Equipment - New Prototype Modific
Patient details
Gender/age: Male 63 years
Presented condition, complaints: IBS/ migraine/post rotator op, muscle loss /pain/lack of mobility
Past medical history (if available): In mid life had an accident which damaged his back and shoulder after much medical intervention he took control of his own treating and is left with scarring to lower lumbar where a disc was operated on and also there is much wastage of muscle to shoulder. This spasms often and is very uncomfortable. Migraine often occurs and at the start of our treating with previous Modific we would reverse the chart and work away from the head. He has had 6 full courses of the older Modific. First course of 14 sessions began 1 year ago. Second course of 1 treatment .. he bought his own device. Now third course with me, began November 2010, of 14 sessions. Finished this in January 2011. Has returned February 2011 5th course, had 10 sessions. Break at April. Returned 4 weeks later and had 3 sessions before going on holiday. By this time much muscle tissue has regrown and IBS almost gone. Migraine still on and off, stress related. 6th session began 12th July 2011 with New Modific.
We treated in Slider 10 and noticed that all number s were quite high. Much more so, than previously seen with him on Modific. Ratio was overall 7:3 began at 9:1 but more frequently 6:4 throughout. The area that was very active was digestive and lower lumbar. So all these were treated although he had relatively few symptoms at the start. His wrist was a little painful and behind the left ankle strange sensation and walking was difficult after time. Elbow also a little painful.
Time of action during session: 40.31
Action modes used: Sc-C Slider 10 only
Areas treated:
digestive / lower lumbar / liver
Change of the patient’s condition during and after session:
Knees felt better all pain or aches gone. Left elbow throbbing. Feeling all together better. Left kidney hurt a bit.
Total number of sessions: with new Modific 1 / Older Modific 42.
Total time of treatment (days, weeks): 1 year.
Final result of treatment:
On going. However, IBS is now under control and virtually gone. Comes on slightly when stress load piles up. Shoulder has regrown much tissue and now is more mobile, does not hurt any longer at all but on occasion the muscle may still spasm slightly. He releases this locally with his device in a few seconds. His legs are better now and stronger.
Comments: very pleased.
Comments on the new device working:
He felt different. Much more gentle but deep.
Second session of new Modific.
4 days later.
He reported that the effects appeared to have lasted much longer and were still there one week later. There was a marked improvement to:
The hand only hurt when touched.
His sleep had improved in the last two days.
His overall readings had become more balanced to lower than 20 in general and in high areas 35 and 30 only whereas last session the high numbers were in most areas peaking also at 30 but in most other places were all 20 -25.
This time we used Sc-C Slider 10 at only second and third position one at neck and the other opposite at coccyx. Changed to slider 5 for the rest of session and then4 minutes or so in Sc-C MYO at right side shoulder. Total time of this session was 28.20 and ratio overall was 7:3.
He felt after very, very good. Only change he could think of was that his ankle sensation was less. He felt that it always takes him time before he feels exactly all changes.
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