Case submitted from Student practitioner in Mexico

This client broke her left ankle in 3 parts. When the cast was removed, her left knee had been like "bent" towards the other knee, so as to meet the right knee. She couldn't kneel because the knees would touch.

She had to spread her legs to be able to kneel and not even so could she go further down than a certain point.

Her heel would not come all the way down to the floor when walking or going down stairs, so the mechanical effect was like having a leg shorter than the other, although that was not the case.

She was the star of this trip. She is 28 years old and she had only five Slider sessions. Here are the pictures of her before and after. She is thrilled! She reported a 100% improvement.

She had not been able to do this for 8 months until today!

Student Practitioner and Acupuncturist Gabriella Solis.

Contact details:

30th St., number 7, between 30th ave and 25th ave.

Downtown Playa del Carmen.

Cel. +5219848762724
