Report on.. muscular dystrophy
Report on using new version of EX735Ag Modific from non-professional users
(muscular dystrophy)
You can see the previous story of this patient here:
Now the treatment is being carried out by users at home, under distant observation and consultations from Vivienne Constad.
Patient: Male/ 60
Condition: Faceo Scapulo Humeral Muscular Dystrophy: common symptoms = muscle aches, shoulder pain, knee pain, shoulder and neck tension, limited muscle ability in legs, arms, difficulty walking up stairs or standing for long periods, difficulty walking even a few blocks.
Treatment #1: July 20, 2011
Time of Session: 32 minutes
Action Modes: Only Scenar / Cosmodic/ Slider/ Auto
Areas Treated:
First was the first point under C7 i.e. at the top of the spine. Then we did all 3 points on the neck (R, L, center), then in the middle of the spine, (abdominal digestive? ) at 5 levels down from the top of the spine by counting device electrode lengths. Ending with 2 points near the base of the chart; i.e. first was 9 levels down on the right, then 2nd8 levels down in the center.
Readings started at 8/2 or 9/1 then ended up with mostly 5/5. There was one 4/6 and one 3/7.
Charles felt good before he started so he wasn't in any immediate pain. This may be because he treated his acute painful areas (shoulders and quads) with scenar-cosmodic-slider-auto/ scenar-cosmodic-myo-auto.
He also had a reaction to a vitamin B12 shot which we did yesterday that left him with a weird red abrasion under the skin. He treated that with slider/ cosmodic/ myo/ auto and this morning it was completely gone.
Today he got tired during the session i.e. sleepy, which is typical during his treatments. He reported immediately after the session the following: feeling more alert, less shoulder and neck tension, no ankle or knee pain when he stood up, no stiffness in the lower back which is unusual for morning time for him with his condition. (Treatment was at 9 AM).
As the day wore on, he had good energy level all day.
Report #2
Treatment #2: July 23, 2011
Time of Session: 29:07 minutes
Action Modes: Only Scenar / Cosmodic/ Slider/ Auto
Areas Treated:
First spot treated was at the point of the lowest reading: at the bottom of the spine on the right (#= 23). Then we went to the top right of the neck (#=21) and then to another 21 just below it on the right . Then there was 5 levels down on the center of the spine (#=20); then to the very bottom of the spine on the left (#=17); then the next 17 above the bottom row, i.e. on the 10th reading down on the right; then 8 readings down on the left (#=16); and last one was 6 reading positions down on the right. (each reading position mentioned corresponds to the length of the cosmodic probes).
Ration readings again were mostly 8/2 or 9/1 at the beginning of each dose then ended up with three 5/5s; three 4/6s; and two 7/3 ratios. The 7/3 was the 2nd right neck reading (#=21) and the other was the 6th position reading down on the center (#=20).
Before we started he reported feeling very tired, legs tired, and was cranky. Patient had worked hard all day at carpentry and had been on his legs a lot. Prior to the full session, he treated himself acutely. He has developed recently a left shoulder painful tendon spot so he had treated this before we did the spinal session as it was hurting a lot. He treated it with mode scenar/ cosmodic/ Myo / Auto. It did not hurt during the spinal reading session, but after the session, it's started bothering him again, though he did not feel during the session, but reported it is not as bad as before the session.
He reports being more alert now, he was groggy before.
Report #3
Treatment #3: July 28, 2011
Time of Session: 24:31 minutes
Action Modes: Only Scenar / Cosmodic/ Slider/ Auto
Areas Treated:
First spot treated was at the very bottom of the spine, it had a reading of 80. It went from 9/1 to 5/5; 57 seconds.
Then we went to the right of the base of the spine (# of reading =65) and ratio went from 9/1 to 5/5; 1:07.
Then we went up one level to the center of the spine where the reading had been #76 and treated. The ratios went from 9/1 to 5/5; at 55 seconds. Then we went directly to the right at that same level to a reading that had been #65. Ratio was 9/1 to 4/6; time 1:14. Then we went to 5 levels down in the center spine which was 37. This was a really long dose of 10:10 and ratio went from 9/1 to 4/6.
All the remaining #s were below 35. So we went to a reading that was #34 , 8 levels down on the left. The ratio went from 9/1 to 7/3; time was 2:04. Then up to the top of the back, we went to a point 3 levels down (from the C7 on the diagram) and dosed it for 4:42. Ratio went from 9/1/ to 5/5
Then the last one was at the top of the neck, above C7: reading was 19, ratio was 9/1 to 5/5 and time was 2:05.
He reports being more tired than he was. Legs feel ok. A little less tight. He feels loose and tired.
Report #4
Treatment #4: Augsut 11, 2011
Time of Session: 18:57 minutes
Action Modes: Only Scenar / Cosmodic/ Slider/ Auto
Areas Treated:
We treated many points and the doses went very quickly overall. More quickly than usual.
First spot treated was at the top left, #35. It went from 9/1 to 6/4; 48 seconds.
We did this spot twice as the treatment person felt it was on the wrong spot. This time it went from 9/1 to 7/3; 1 m 10 seconds.
Then we went to the (# of reading =#30) in center. Ratio went from 9/1 to 5/5; 0:58.
Then we went up to the center of the spine to the first #25 and treated. The ratios went from 9/1 to 6/4; at 50 seconds. Then we went directly down to next #25. Ratio was 1/9 to 5/5; time 0:46. NOTE this ratio was different than all the others, it was 1/9 to start
Then we skipped below the # 30 to the next #25 center. Ratio went from 9/1 to 7/3; 00:44
Then we went 8 down in center to #24: ratio from 9/1 to 6/4; 1:42
Then we went to left neck #23. The ratio went from 9/1 to 7/3; time was 00:51.
Then we went to #22, 4th on left below C7: The ratio went from 9/1 to 7/3; time was 00:55. Then down one to the #20 on the left (5th down below C7) dosed it for 00:51. Ratio went from 9/1/ to 6/4
Then the #18, 6th down on left. The ratio went from 9/1 to 5/5; time was 2:34. This was the 2nd to longest dose.
Last one was at the top center of the neck, above C7: reading was #17, ratio was 9/1 to 6/4 and time was 1:10. Then to finish off the neck we went to the right, the #15, The ratio went from 9/1 to 8/2; time was 00:47.
Then we decided to go to the base, to the #17, center (10 down). The ratio went from 9/1 to 5/5; time was 00:51.
Last one was #17, 9 down on left. The ratio went from 9/1 to 4/6; time was 2:41. This last dose was the longest dose.
Ended with brushing the back and shoulders.
He reported being extremely tired before we started. Shoulders were tense due to having sat in an uncomfortable waiting room for hours earlier today. He had a headache. Legs were no issue.
After session, headache is gone. Even more tired. Legs still fine. Wants to go to sleep.
This session was quicker than usual.
Overall thoughts:
Patient seems to be holding his own for longer periods of time and seems to be overall doing much better. He had a flare up of knee pain earlier this week, on Tuesday, where suddenly his knees hurt. It was better the next time.
The materials were provided and published with permission of
Ann and Charles
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