Louise's case
Foot injury
Thursday 5th April 2012
This lady arrived without being able to place her foot on the ground. The pain was such that any pressure whatsoever created the most terrible pain in her ankle and foot.
She explained to me that she had fallen badly whilst playing basketball the previous evening. She had managed to get home with what she thought to be a slight injury but by morning it had swollen to more than twice its size and become extremely painful.
Equipment used:
For this treatment I used EX735Ag Modific with Sliding technology.
Settings used: Both the settings of Slider 5 and also MYO.
The case as follows:
Female: 50 years
In good shape and fitness for her age. A previous patient so her medical history had already been recorded. No chronic disorders and a specific nutritional intake is generally adhered to. I decided to take a diagnostic reading on her spine regardless as the injury had been made several hours before it was clear that the body would have accommodated some changes and I wanted confirmation of this and where they might be.
Having seen her chart I began working with the higher activity areas firstly and in fact they were at and around C7 mostly. There was some indication at the opposite area of the chart but not as much as I had expected to see. Thus I worked much at the indicated areas first.
After having dosed these, I went to the opposite end of the chart and followed those areas indicated as well as those I anticipated would be related to an injury of this kind. After this I then worked locally on the foot where by this time much of the swelling had reduced. I also noticed that by now the sensation in the damaged areas had reduced enough for me to use a reasonable pressure. For this area I used firstly Slider 5 and followed this with some massage in MYO.
After her session I wrapped the foot with a new style of elastic dressing and lent her some crutches. Which she would return once no longer needed. The entire episode from her arrival to her leaving was approximately an hour, which of course included talking at the start and end also.
Day 2:
The following day I saw this lady again and after having taken a chart of readings once again I noticed that again, much work was needed around C7. After having done the minimal amount of work in this area and also a little below this at locomotor area, I returned to the actual area of local damage to find that bruising was now coming out and almost all the swelling had been eliminated.
Again this session lasted a little less than an hour. After which there was no pain at all and not only was she able to place her foot down flat on the ground but she was also able to put some weight on it. After having dosed in slider 5 again, I used MYO to complete the session. I had also used MYO at both locomotor positions at the spine and surrounding areas.
Day 3
Just to be sure, I saw the lady again on day 3 for a short session and this was around half an hour. On arrival there was some bruising still and no swelling. Some aches on and off but she had not used any pain relief throughout since we had begun working and she no longer needed the crutches. I repeated the procedure that I had done so far and again finished with massaging in MYO.
She was unable to come in again after that day as she was leaving for a short holiday weekend and would not be able to attend until the following week. Before she returned the following week she sent me the email that is copied below and has not had to return for further treatment since!
The testimonial sent by the lady:
I damaged my foot at basketball and could hardly put any weight on it. After one hours treatment with Vivienne and her cosmodic machine, I could lay the foot flat on the ground. Two hours later at home I was walking. It was a miracle! After 3 more visits, the bruising was out, the swelling gone. The treatment was amazing.
I still can't believe it. In the passed a accident like that would have kept me out of the game for weeks.
Louise Irvin
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