Skin condition
Skin condition
Before treating. After 1.08 minutes
At end of session
Date: 10th September 2011
Gender: Male in his 50’s
Presented Condition:
Imbalance in liver and nervous system, which can be activated by stress. Patient suffers with skin sensitivity.
Prototype EX735 Ag Modific.
Sc-C Slider 5.
Sc-C Myo Auto
This result occurred in one treatment. I was working on his neck and collar to fix an old surfing, neck injury.
I noticed this mark on his neck and asked him if he knew it was there, he did not.
I worked at C7 and to the left and right as it was his body’s priority. I did not expect this mark it to go as quickly, as you can see it almost disappeared after 1.08 minutes and then by 11 minutes was gone totally!
I thought I was working to release some restriction in the neck, as he was unable to turn his head to the left as far as he could to the right. Once I had finished, having worked at areas of both nervous system and liver, which had also shown to be important to his session, he found that his mobility had increased almost completely at the head and neck area but also his spine felt good.
Total treatment time: 36.45 minutes overall ratio 7:3
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