Case of a Horses with a damaged eye
This case has been submitted by an lady in New Zealand who has been working with both horses and humans.
She has had no official training in Cosmodic and has been self taught with our assistance and support and has become a very accomplished therapist. She has been getting some very satisfying results in both her equine work and with her human clients.
Here is just one of her horse cases for which we have photographs
In her own words...
Here are some images of one of our horses that banged his head in a bridle cup hanging in the truck on his way back from a show and severely punctured it. I treated his eye 2 x for about 4 minutes , he only got 1 1 minute dose just under the puncture wound and then I just did the other side of his head at the exact spot of the wound, it all dosed very fast. He had two sessions in two days, I also attach the photo I just took today.
There has been no vet to see him, no antibiotics, I simply put all my trust into the scenar, and as you can see, that is all he needed.
Here are her photos:
The fist image at the start of treating Part way through
The last image of that day
For those interested here is the photographic contact sheet of the progression of her treating this case:
Franklin district,
New Zealand
Phone 09 2351306
mobile 0274 875950
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